More Details on the System:

Com/Con/Cum, Dot-Com, Dot-Con, and Dot-Ing shortcuts:
This is a work in progress.  Over time I will add diagrams showing various Pitman forms.  Although there are a lot to learn, these afford amazing speed without any contradictions in writing.
Upcoming Topics:

--Stroke-S, stroke-Z, uses to indicate unwritten vowels.

--SW circle at beginning of words, SZ circle, use of vowel marks inside SZ circle

--ST loop, STER loop

--Halving of strokes (to add -T or -D)

--Doubling of strokes (to add -TR, -DR, -THR (heavy TH only) or -TURE).  Doubling to add the words THEIR, THERE or DEAR.

--Thick halved strokes for -RD (curved R only), -LD (downward halved ), MD, ND

--Thick doubled stroke -MBR

--Diphone vowel-marks, Triphone vowel-marks

--R-hook, L-hook (added in a different way for straight and curved strokes)

--NG+GR/KR  (anger/anchor)

--Adding vowels to hooked strokes

--N-hook, F/V-hook

--Several forms for H (upward-H, downward-H, tick-H, dot-H (rare))

--Reversed hook forms for FR-/FL-, VR-/VL-, thR-/thL- (light th only)

--Compound consonants (RR, LR, QU, GU, WH, WL, WHL, MP/MB strokes)

--Large Shun-hook (-tion sound) at the end and middle of words.  S+vowel+SHUN form, -UATION form

--Upward SH stroke, SHR- (always downwards), SHL- (always upwards)

--Semicircle W form

--Intersected strokes (CH=charge, D=department, K=company, KR=corporation, M=morning, T=attention, TH=month)

--Dot-"con" (a dot at the start of a stroke); Dot-"ing" (a dot at the end of a stroke), "con" or "com" through juxtaposed outlines  [I already have a graphic for this one, see below.]

--Consonant R

--Disjointed -TED mark

--Strokes to represent round numbers (under-N=hundreds, TH=thousands, under-N+TH=hundred thousands, under-M=millions, under-N+underM=hundred millions)

--Forms for many prefixes and suffixes

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Tick-I, Tick-the:
An initial diagonal tick in front of K, G or M strokes is a short form for "I".  A diagonal tick (in the other orientation) adds the word "the" to the end of any Pitman outline.  This tick always faces away from curves.
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